Loyalty Points
How it works
Set up an account with us and get 125 points instantly
Extra Points
Earn extra points with every purchase and through special actions
Get Your Rewards
Spend your points on any purchase
Set up an account with us and get 125 points instantly
Earn extra points with every purchase and through special actions
Spend your points on any purchase
Vavavoom is a family run business founded in 2012 by Kate and Patrick King and is 100% Irish owned and operated. We pride ourselves on quick delivery and excellent customer care because we truly value Every Single Customer. Recently, we have changed things up and no longer run discount codes. From now on (apart from seasonal sales) our prices will always be the lowest they can be. No discount codes, just honest minimum pricing. Our loyalty club, rewards customers by earning points with every purchase. This allows you to control when you spend your points and on what. We truly hope you enjoy your shopping experience with us. Thanks for supporting an Irish business! Vavavoom team x